How are you getting stronger?


Is Taylor Swift occupying your entire psyche this week? Yes, you too? No? Just me?

With three daughters in the house, the topic of Tay Tay is unavoidable here.

So this woman who has taken the world by storm. What is it about her? How does she do it? I am no Swifty, I don't have time or interest to follow the ins and outs of what she's up to. But from what I can tell she was at the Super Bowl last week, in Melbourne last weekend and will be repeating her huge live show four times over this weekend in Sydney. Oh and did she just announce another album while collecting a Grammy?

Seems to me a woman who has found her flow.

How did she get there? Who knows exactly. But it seems that these may be some of the elements that she's managed to unlock in her life…

Passion, discipline, commitment, focus on one thing.

While her life looks complex, I'd be willing to bet that she has also worked out how to simplify and focus. And of course, there's no time like the present. 

We certainly can't guarantee that you'll be the next Taylor, but we can help you take a peek into the yoga principals behind these traits.

Yoga Sutra 1.14

sa tu dirgha-kala-nairantarya-satkara-adara-asevitah drdha-bhumih

[practice] becomes firmly anchored when it is thoroughly nourished by regularity and endurance, perseverance, positive actions and intense enthusiasm.

This month we are anchoring ourselves in practice to develop our strength and flow. Sena will be leading the Art of Arm Balancing on Saturday 22 February. Get your early bird ticket today.


Ready to practice with us to explore your strength?


Protecting Our Attention When We Don't Have Time


Embodying Flow