Embodying Flow


Our yoga practice is more than just a series of postures, strung together for us to refine and perfect. It's more than the strength and mobility that the "asana" practice can bring to our bodies.

Infused with breath, our full focus, our willing presence, our yoga practice is an exploration of how we move through and handle the transitions of our life. It may be moments of pain or suffering, it may be transitions in our relationships, it may be the ever fluctuating nature of the world around us. Our worlds are always in a state of flux.

Today marks the transition of my kids starting to get back to school. For you this period might be a transition from the lull of Summer to a new routine this year. Throughout our years and lives we will ride the waves of many transitions. It's as much about the moments as it is about the ease we feel as we move between them.

How we breathe, how we switch things up, how we focus while in transition is how we can truly embody flow in our lives.

“How we breathe, how we switch things up, how we focus while in transition is how we can truly embody flow in our lives.”


Ready to practice with us to explore more flow in the transitions?


How are you getting stronger?