Rest, Relax & Yoga Nidra
Rest in passive asanas supported by bolsters and blankets and experience a journey through a guided meditation of iRest Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation practice which draws our focus inwards where we are in a conscious state between wakefulness and sleep, allowing a deep sense of relaxation and well being.

Arm Balancing with Emma
Are you ready to elevate your practice?
Join Emma for a 2-hour workshop dedicated to arm balances. This empowering session will help you build strength, focus, and the confidence to tackle the arm balances of yoga.

Yoga Q&A + Meditation
Yoga is about much more than moving our bodies in different positions. The first Friday of each month will be dedicated to exploring all the other aspects of Yoga with opportunities for Q&A discussions, together with some guided meditation.

Join our February detox led by Nutritionist Emma de Ferranti for expert guidance, support, and a 2-week home detox plan.

Yoga Q&A & Meditation
Yoga is about much more than moving our bodies in different positions. Join Vu on the first Friday of each month. These sessions will be dedicated to exploring all the other aspects of Yoga with opportunities for Q&A discussions, together with some guided meditation.